InvestIgnite is a project aimed at helping high schoolers throughout the nation develop basic financial knowledge. We distribute knowledge on the subject through seminars, interactive games, social media, and newsletters. We are helping to create a basis for the future generation of adults to be financially prepared. We taught all the basic tools of finance such as stocks, credit, debit, loans, budgeting, insurance, taxes, and retirement.
The Instagram page was the main subproject in our ad campaign. The Instagram interconnected with the Substack and Discord, acting as the hub of information alongside the website. The Instagram page also informed participants of major events, and included smaller lesson overviews.
The Substack page included 15-30 minute reads that went into depth on each specific subtopic covered in our initiative. This subproject catered to those who are either more experienced in financial literacy and those who have a lot of time to spend on learning how to Invest and manage their finances well.
The Discord held the InvestIgnite interactive stock market simulation. Participants would be able to interact with others in the program who would be able to fill the gaps in their financial literacy. Each person would be able to invest in high risk, low risk, and diversified stock options to maximize their profits. Our stock market game had a 100 dollar prize pool as an incentive.
We included in person and virtual seminars that highlighted and concentrated on certain subtopics of financial literacy. Here, we held 15 - 30 minute lessons that went more into depth into specific topics voted by students in our school district.